George Souliotis is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Peloponnese, Patras, Greece. He has more than twenty years professional and research experience in analog and mixed signal integrated circuits and systems. His research interests and his experience include low voltage low power integrated circuits, analog filters, communication electronics, high speed transceivers, RF circuits up to 80 GHz for wireless transceivers and others. He has worked for several widely known, multinational high-tech IC companies and has acted or is acting as a consultant in several companies in Greece and abroad. His experience in circuit and system development include USB2, USB3, M-PHY, BLE and other protocols. He is author or co-author of more than 35 papers in high level international journals, of a significant number of conference articles and of two patents. He is acting as a reviewer in more than 10 high level international journals. He is a senior member of IEEE.